Rajasthan Paintings
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Miniature (in-stock items only)
Item Code: IT45
Miniature Painting on Silk Cloth - Unframed
11 x 8 inches
Item Code: IT51
Miniature Painting on Silk Cloth - Unframed
9 x 7 inches
Item Code: BJ10
Miniature Painting on Canvas - Unframed
29 x 20 inches
CA$85.00 45% off (Deal)
Welcome to our collection of paintings from Rajasthan, in various styles like rajput paintings, mughal paintings and others. We have portraits of Rajput princess from Rajasthan, Rajasthani women and men with camels in the desert and other Rajasthani paintings.
I received your package and the 2 items are wonderful. The kurti is especially beautiful with the...
- Amrita Singh
Thank you for getting the order out sooner than expected, Madhuri. I am delighted with my items...
- Mimi Joan Fisher
I am really pleased the way you do business. Today I receive the two kashmere shawls. Thank you. A...
- Abdirizak Qawdhan
It finally arrived yesterday safe and sound. Very beautiful necklace, love it! Thank you for your...
- Susanne
I received The Posters today, They are great!
- Roy Hasst