Raas Leela is the joyous dance of Lord Krishna with Radha and the Gopis. Krishna starts playing beautiful tunes on His flute and enchants all around. The village womenfolk leave aside all their other work and come rushing to hear Him play the instrument. Later, they all break into a song and rapturous dance.
The Divine Couple, Krishna and Radha start their dance and the Gopis soon follow suit. The special thing about Raas Leela is that each Gopi has a separate Krishna to dance with, at one and the same time. He manifests himself so that each of his devoted Gopis get to dance with him, all at once.
The Raas Garba is one of the most spectacular events in Gujarat, even today. Traditionally attired males and females dance together, giving rhythm with Garba sticks, made of wood, thus symbolizing Krishna's Raas Leela.�
The painting here ably captures the spirit and the vibrancy of the Raas Leela.