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Buddha Statue

Showing 1 to 30 of 44 items
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Item Code: LN15
White Metal
5 x 3.2 x 1.5 inches
Weight - 150 gms.
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Item Code: SH20
15 x 15 x 0.75 inches
Weight - 2.2 kg.
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Item Code: RS33
Natural Red Stone Dust
4.5 x 3 x 2 inches
Weight - 200 gms.
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Item Code: RS34
Lapis Lazuli Stone Dust
4.5 x 3.5 x 2 inches
Weight - 160 gms.
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Item Code: RS40
Turquoise Green Stone Dust
3.75 x 2.5 x 1.5 inches
Weight - 100 gms.
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Item Code: RS45
Stone Dust
6.5 x 4 x 2.5 inches
Weight - 700 gms.
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Item Code: RS50
Stone Dust
5 x 3.25 x 2 inches
Weight - 120 gms.
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Item Code: RS51
Stone Dust
5 x 3.25 x 2 inches
Weight - 120 gms.
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Item Code: RS49
Dia - 4 inches
Weight - 120 gms.
$29.00 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: RQ56
Marble Dust
9 x 6 x 4 inches
Weight - 990 gms.
$133.50 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: RQ64
3.5 x 9 x 2.5 inches
Weight - 365 gms.
$80.50 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: RQ65
3.5 x 9 x 2.5 inches
Weight - 470 gms.
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Item Code: RQ76
Stone Dust
5 x 3 x 1.5 inches
Weight - 340 gms.
$51.00 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: RQ79
Stone Dust
6 x 3 x 3 inches
Weight - 590 gms.
$77.50 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: RQ81
Stone Dust
5 x 3 x 2 inches
Weight - 345 gms.
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Item Code: RQ82
Marble Dust
5 x 3 x 2 inches
Weight - 300 gms.
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Item Code: RQ89
Stone Dust
5 x 3 x 2 inches
Weight - 375 gms.
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Item Code: RQ91
Stone Dust
5 x 3 x 2.25 inches
Weight - 315 gms.
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Item Code: RQ96
Stone Dust
3.5 x 2.25 x 1.75 inches
Weight - 120 gms.
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Item Code: RA86
Dia - 2 inches
Height - 4 inches
Weight - 80 gms.
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Item Code: RA88
4.25 x 2 x 0.75 inches
Weight - 30 gms.
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Item Code: OZ56
3 x 2 x 1.2 inches
Weight - 200 gms.
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Item Code: OY88
5.25 x 3.25 x 1.5 inches
Weight - 160 gms.
$33.50 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: OC84
Stone Dust
7 x 4 x 3 inches
Weight - 370 gms.
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Item Code: OC95
Stone Dust
3.5 x 2.25 x 1.75 inches
Weight - 110 gms.
$30.00 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: OC97
Stone Dust
3.5 x 2.25 x 1.75 inches
Weight - 110 gms.
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Item Code: OC98
Stone Dust
3.5 x 2.25 x 1.75 inches
Weight - 110 gms.
$30.00 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: OD11
7 x 3.5 x 2 inches
Weight - 120 gms.
$49.50 45% off (Deal)
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Item Code: OB45
Stone Dust
Dia - 8.75 inches
Height - 10 inches
Weight - 2 kg.
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Item Code: MX73
Poly Resin
5.5 x 3.25 x 3 inches
Weight - 350 gms.
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We have a growing collection of Buddha Statues depicting Gautam Buddha, Avalokiteshvara, Padmasambhava and other deities from the Buddhism religion originated from Buddha. These statues of Buddha and other Buddhist deities are in brass and wood.
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