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Masks (in-stock items only)
Item Code: SS77
15 x 4 x 2 inches Each
Weight - 2.5 kg.
Item Code: RF21
Stone Dust
8.5 x 8.5 x 3 inches
Weight - 540 gms.
$129.50 45% off (Deal)
Item Code: OS05
Papier Mache
5.25 x 4.75 x 4.5 inches
Weight - 100 gms.
Kathakali Masks, Tribal Masks and more, made in terracotta, papier mache, resin and metal
Thank you for such an excellent product, with such expert packaging and quick delivery! Fabulous!
- Nagina
Your website has a lot of beautiful things!!
- Autumn
Your dolls are so exquisite. All of your products are very beautiful. India must be a land of...
- Lynnette Lane
I have received the package and am very pleased with the sari
- susan ingles
Thank You so much, Ganesha Painting and Ganesha Incense Holder are so beautiful, very nice birthday...
- Petra Buranova